149. Q. Have men as well as brutes “instinct?”

When we look at the world around us, we see a wonderful order in everything God has created. From the tiniest insects to the largest animals, each creature is given exactly what it needs to survive and fulfill its purpose. One of the amazing gifts God has given to animals is instinct. But did you know that humans have instinct too? Even though we are blessed with reason and the ability to think and make choices, we also have instinct to help us in moments of sudden danger.

In today’s blog, we will explore the question:

149. Q. Have men as well as brutes “instinct?”
A. Men have “instinct,” and they show it when placed in sudden danger, when they have not time to use their reason. A falling man instantly grasps for something to support him.

Let’s dive into what this means, how it affects us, and why it’s important to recognize both our instinct and our reason as gifts from God.

What Is Instinct?

Instinct is like a built-in response that helps animals—and even humans—react quickly to situations without needing to think. It’s an automatic reaction that happens naturally. For example, a bird knows how to build a nest without being taught. This is because God has placed the knowledge inside the bird’s nature. Similarly, when a deer hears a sudden loud noise, it instinctively runs away to protect itself.

Do Humans Have Instinct?

Yes, humans have instinct too! While animals rely mostly on instinct to survive, humans use a combination of instinct and reason. We usually think before we act, but in moments of sudden danger, we don’t have time to think, and that’s when our instinct takes over.

For example, if you suddenly start to fall, you don’t stand there and think about what to do. Your body instantly tries to grab onto something to stop you from falling. This is instinct in action. It’s God’s way of protecting us when we don’t have time to use our reason.

The Role of Instinct in Human Life

While animals live mostly by instinct, humans are unique because we also have the gift of reason. Reason is what allows us to think, make decisions, and learn new things. It helps us distinguish between right and wrong and choose our actions wisely.

But in certain situations, instinct plays a crucial role. Here are a few examples:

  1. Sudden Danger: If a child suddenly runs onto the road, a parent’s instinct might be to grab the child and pull them back without thinking. This quick response can save the child’s life.

  2. Protecting Ourselves: If you accidentally touch something very hot, your hand will instinctively pull back before you even realize what’s happening. This instinct helps protect you from getting burned.

  3. Survival Situations: If someone is in a life-threatening situation, like being caught in a flood or trapped in a fire, instinct can guide them to act quickly and find a way to safety.

These examples show that instinct is a natural response given to us by God to help us in critical moments.

How Instinct and Reason Work Together

God created humans with both instinct and reason so that we can live wisely and safely. While animals use instinct for everything they do, humans are meant to use reason most of the time. But in moments when we don’t have time to think, instinct helps us react quickly.

Imagine you’re walking through the forest and suddenly a snake appears in front of you. Your first instinct might be to jump back or move away quickly. This is your body’s way of protecting you before you even have time to think, “Is this snake dangerous?”

After that initial reaction, your reason takes over. You might think, “Is this a poisonous snake? What should I do next?” You then use your reason to decide whether to move away slowly, call for help, or take another action.

Why Is Understanding Instinct Important?

Recognizing the role of instinct in our lives can help us appreciate God’s wisdom in creating us. It shows us that God has equipped us with everything we need to face both ordinary and extraordinary situations. Here’s why it’s important:

  1. Gratitude for God’s Gifts: Knowing that we have both instinct and reason helps us see how wonderfully God has made us. He has given us tools to protect ourselves and to make wise choices.

  2. Trust in God’s Protection: In moments of sudden danger, we can trust that God’s gift of instinct will help us react in ways that protect us. This doesn’t mean we should be reckless, but it does mean that we can have confidence in the way God has created us.

  3. Balanced Living: Understanding the balance between instinct and reason helps us live more fully. We can use reason to plan, learn, and grow, while also trusting our instincts in moments of urgency.

Using Our Gifts Wisely

God has given us many gifts, and it’s up to us to use them wisely. While animals act purely on instinct, we are called to use our reason most of the time. This means thinking before we act, making good choices, and learning from our experiences. But in those rare moments when we don’t have time to think, we can be grateful that God has also given us instinct to protect us.

Final Thoughts: Celebrating God’s Wisdom

It’s amazing to think about how God has created us with everything we need to navigate life. Our instinct helps us in moments of sudden danger, while our reason guides us in making thoughtful and wise decisions. By understanding these gifts, we can live more fully and confidently, knowing that God has equipped us with all we need to face life’s challenges.

Let’s celebrate and thank God for His incredible wisdom and love in creating us with both instinct and reason. Whether we are thinking carefully about a decision or reacting in a moment of crisis, we can trust that God is with us, guiding and protecting us every step of the way.


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