156. Q. How shall we know the things which we are to believe? [10]


How Do We Know What to Believe? An Encouraging Explanation for Everyone

Have you ever wondered how we come to know what to believe, especially when it comes to faith? It’s a question that might feel confusing or overwhelming, especially if you don’t consider yourself religious or don’t dive into theological studies. But the truth is, the answer can be simple and meaningful for anyone, no matter where they are in their spiritual journey.

The Baltimore Catechism gives us a clear answer to this question:

"We shall know the things which we are to believe from the Catholic Church, through which God speaks to us."

Let’s break this down and explore how this message applies to everyday life, even for those who don’t see themselves as religious or deeply involved in theological matters.

1. Belief and Guidance from a Community of Faith

The Catholic Church is not just a building or a place for religious gatherings. It’s a living community of people who have carried forward a tradition of faith and understanding for over 2,000 years. The Church is like a guide on the journey of life, offering wisdom, teachings, and support to help people grow in their faith.

This doesn’t mean you need to be a theologian or scholar to understand what to believe. In fact, one of the most beautiful things about the Church is that it offers guidance for everyone, no matter where they are in life. Whether you’re a person seeking deep spiritual truths or just someone curious about life’s big questions, the Church is here to help.

2. God Speaks Through the Church

The Catechism says that God speaks to us through the Church. But what does that mean for someone who may not be deeply religious?

Think of it like this: If you were lost in a city, you’d look for signs, a map, or even a person to guide you in the right direction. The Church serves a similar purpose for those trying to understand faith and life’s purpose. Through its teachings, traditions, and wisdom, the Church helps people navigate the sometimes confusing landscape of belief.

The Church has preserved teachings handed down by Jesus Christ and His apostles, providing a pathway to truth. These teachings are not just for theologians—they are for everyone, offering insights into how to live a good and meaningful life.

Even if you are just beginning to explore questions about God or life’s deeper meaning, the Church’s teachings offer practical wisdom for how to live with purpose, compassion, and peace.

3. A Source of Strength and Hope

One of the most inspiring aspects of the Church is its message of hope. We live in a world that can often feel chaotic, uncertain, or even discouraging. The teachings of the Catholic Church remind us that there is more to life than what we see around us.

The Church calls us to believe in a higher power—God—who is loving, merciful, and deeply invested in each of our lives. This belief isn’t just a religious practice; it’s a source of strength that helps people face life’s challenges with courage and hope.

For someone who is struggling, questioning, or feeling lost, the Church’s message is that you are not alone. You are loved, and there is a purpose for your life. This sense of hope can inspire and encourage anyone, no matter where they are in their faith journey.

4. How the Church Helps Us Understand What to Believe

You might ask, “What exactly does the Church teach? How can I learn what I’m supposed to believe?”

The Church offers answers to life’s biggest questions through:

  • Sacred Scripture (The Bible): The Church encourages people to read the Bible, which contains stories, teachings, and wisdom passed down through generations. These scriptures are not just historical texts—they speak to us today, offering guidance on how to live with love, kindness, and integrity.
  • Tradition: Alongside the Bible, the Church’s traditions (prayers, creeds, sacraments, and more) help us understand how to live out our faith in practical ways. These traditions have been practiced by millions of people over the centuries and have stood the test of time.
  • Teachings and Leaders: The Church also has leaders, like the Pope and bishops, who help interpret and explain these teachings for modern times. They provide clarity on moral issues, spiritual practices, and how to apply faith to everyday life.

Even if you don’t consider yourself religious, these teachings can still offer valuable insights. They remind us to focus on what truly matters—love, kindness, service to others, and striving to live a life that brings peace and joy to ourselves and those around us.

5. An Invitation to Explore

You don’t have to be a perfect believer to begin exploring these truths. The Church’s invitation is open to everyone. You can take small steps toward understanding what to believe, starting with simple questions like:

  • What is my purpose in life?
  • How can I live with more peace and less stress?
  • What does it mean to live a good life?

The Catholic Church provides answers that can guide anyone, from the curious to the deeply faithful. It invites you to explore and discover for yourself what you believe.

6. Why This Matters

Belief shapes how we see the world and how we live our lives. Knowing what to believe gives us direction and purpose. The Church’s role is to help us find those answers—not by forcing anything upon us, but by offering guidance based on centuries of wisdom.

If you’ve ever wondered about the big questions in life—Why are we here? What happens after this life? How can I find happiness?—the Church’s teachings can offer meaningful answers that inspire and encourage you, no matter your background or level of faith.

Conclusion: A Journey of Discovery

Knowing what to believe is not about memorizing rules or becoming a theologian. It’s about opening your heart and mind to the wisdom that has been shared through the Catholic Church. It’s about listening to the voice of God, who speaks to us through the Church’s teachings and traditions, offering us hope, strength, and purpose.

If you’ve ever felt lost or uncertain, remember that the Church is a place where you can find guidance. It’s not just for the religious elite—it’s for everyone. Whether you are deeply faithful or just curious, you are invited to explore and discover what to believe through the loving, hopeful message that the Church offers.


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