147. Q. What gift in animals takes the place of reason?

Have you ever wondered how animals seem to know exactly what to do without anyone teaching them? Birds build nests, bees make honey, and dogs bark at strangers. All these behaviors happen naturally. But why is that? How do animals know what to do without the ability to think or reason as we do?

The Baltimore Catechism provides an answer:

147. Q. What gift in animals takes the place of reason?
A. In animals the gift of “instinct” takes the place of reason in guiding their actions.

In this blog, we will explore what instinct is, how it differs from human reason, and why understanding this difference can inspire us to appreciate the unique gifts God has given to both animals and humans. Whether you are new to these concepts or looking to deepen your understanding, let’s journey together in learning more about this beautiful part of God’s creation.

What Is Instinct?

Instinct is an inborn ability that helps animals act in certain ways without needing to learn or think about it. It’s like a built-in guide that directs their actions automatically. For example:

  1. A Bird Building Its Nest: A bird doesn’t go to school to learn how to build a nest. It doesn’t watch other birds and then try to copy them. Instead, it just knows how to build a nest because it is born with that knowledge. This is instinct.

  2. A Bee Collecting Nectar: Bees know how to collect nectar from flowers and turn it into honey. They don’t think about the process or try new methods. They just do it because it’s part of their nature, their instinct.

  3. A Cat Hunting Mice: Even if a cat has never been taught to hunt, it will still chase after mice. This is because hunting is an instinct for cats. They don’t need to reason or plan; they just act on their natural impulse.

How Is Instinct Different from Human Reason?

While animals act based on instinct, humans have something much more powerful: reason. Reason is the ability to think, to reflect, to learn, and to make decisions. It’s what allows us to understand right from wrong, to create new things, and to change our lives and the world around us.

Key Differences:

  1. Learning and Adaptation:

    • Animals: An animal’s behavior is almost always the same. A bird will build its nest in the same way throughout its life. It doesn’t learn to build a better nest because it doesn’t have the ability to think and adapt.
    • Humans: We have the power to learn and grow. If we find a better way to do something, we can change our behavior. For example, if we learn that a certain type of food is healthier for us, we can choose to change our diet.
  2. Moral Choices:

    • Animals: Animals do not make moral choices. A lion that hunts a deer is not being cruel; it’s simply following its instinct to survive.
    • Humans: We have the ability to make moral choices. We can decide to be kind, to forgive, and to love, even when it’s difficult. This ability to choose good over evil is a gift from God that sets us apart from all other creatures.
  3. Creativity and Innovation:

    • Animals: Animals do not create or invent new things. A beaver will always build its dam the same way. It doesn’t suddenly decide to try a new design.
    • Humans: We have the ability to imagine, create, and innovate. This is why we have art, music, technology, and so much more. We can dream of things that don’t yet exist and then bring them into reality through our efforts.

Why Is Instinct Important for Animals?

Even though animals don’t have reason like humans, their instincts are perfectly suited to their needs. God, in His wisdom, has given each creature the instincts it needs to survive and thrive in its environment. Here are some ways that instincts are vital for animals:

  1. Survival: Instincts help animals find food, shelter, and protection. For example, a mother bird instinctively knows how to care for her young, keeping them warm and feeding them until they can survive on their own.

  2. Reproduction: Instincts guide animals in finding mates and raising their young. This ensures that their species continues to thrive.

  3. Protection: Many animals have instincts that protect them from danger. For instance, a deer’s instinct to flee when it senses a predator helps it survive in the wild.

These instincts are amazing in their own way and show us the incredible care and design that God has put into all of His creation.

The Beauty of God’s Design

When we look at the natural world, we see the beauty and order of God’s creation. Each creature, from the smallest insect to the largest mammal, has a place and a purpose. Animals, guided by their instincts, play their roles perfectly in the grand design of nature.

But God has given humans something even more extraordinary. By giving us reason and free will, He has invited us to participate in His creation in a special way. We are not just part of the world; we have the ability to understand it, to care for it, and to shape it.

How Can We Use Our Gift of Reason?

  1. Learning and Growing: We should always seek to learn more about God, the world, and ourselves. Reading, studying, and reflecting help us grow in wisdom and understanding.

  2. Making Good Choices: We have the power to choose our actions. Let’s use our reason to make choices that reflect God’s love and goodness. Whether it’s choosing to be kind, to forgive, or to help someone in need, every good choice brings more light into the world.

  3. Caring for Creation: God has given us the responsibility to care for His creation. We can use our reason to protect and preserve the world around us, whether it’s by caring for animals, protecting the environment, or helping others.

A Call to Gratitude

Let’s take a moment to be grateful for the gifts God has given us. While animals follow their instincts, we have the ability to think, to choose, and to love. This is a great responsibility but also a great joy. By using our reason and free will in a way that honors God, we become more fully who we are meant to be—His beloved children.

Conclusion: Embrace Your Gifts

Understanding and free will are incredible gifts from God that allow us to live purposeful and meaningful lives. Just as animals use their instincts to fulfill their roles in nature, we can use our reason to fulfill our roles in God’s plan. Let’s embrace these gifts with gratitude and use them to bring more love, kindness, and goodness into the world.

Call to Action: Take a moment today to thank God for the gift of reason. Reflect on how you can use this gift to make positive choices and to help others. Share this message with someone who might need encouragement to make better decisions, and let’s support each other in using our gifts to honor God and to make the world a better place.


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