144. Q. What do we call the truths God teaches us?

Imagine receiving a special letter from someone who loves you deeply, filled with words that guide, comfort, and help you understand who they are and what they want for you. This is what God’s revelation is like—a loving message from God, our Creator, who wants us to know the truth about Him, about ourselves, and about the world.

In the Baltimore Catechism, we find a question and answer that help us understand what revelation means:

144. Q. What do we call the truths God teaches us?
A. Taken together, we call the truths God teaches us Revelation, and we call the manner by which He teaches them also revelation.

Let’s explore what this means in a way that is clear, inspiring, and encouraging, even for those who may not have much formal education.

What is Revelation?

The word “revelation” might sound complicated, but it’s actually quite simple. It means to “reveal” or to “uncover” something that was hidden. Just like lifting the lid off a pot to see what’s inside, God reveals or uncovers important truths to us—truths that we couldn’t figure out on our own.

Why Does God Reveal These Truths to Us?

God reveals these truths to us because He loves us and wants us to know Him, to understand the purpose of our lives, and to live in a way that leads to true happiness and peace. Imagine trying to put together a big puzzle without knowing what the picture looks like. It would be almost impossible! But when God reveals these truths to us, it’s like showing us the picture on the puzzle box. Suddenly, things start to make sense, and we can see how everything fits together.

The Two Sides of Revelation: What and How

  1. The Truths God Teaches Us (What): These are all the things God wants us to know about Him, about ourselves, and about how we should live. For example, God teaches us that He is one God in three Persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He also teaches us that He created us out of love and wants us to be with Him forever in heaven. These teachings, taken together, are called Revelation.

  2. The Manner by Which God Teaches Us (How): This is the way God communicates these truths to us. He reveals them in different ways:

    • Through the Bible: The Bible, or Sacred Scripture, is like God’s love letter to us. It contains His teachings, stories, and commandments. When we read the Bible, we learn more about who God is and what He wants for us.
    • Through Jesus Christ: Jesus is the greatest revelation of God. By becoming human and living among us, Jesus showed us who God is and how much He loves us. Everything Jesus taught and did reveals God’s truth to us.
    • Through the Church: The Church continues to teach and explain God’s truths through its teachings, traditions, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Church helps us understand and live out the truths of Revelation in our daily lives.

Why Can’t We Discover These Truths on Our Own?

Just like we can’t see the wind but we can feel its presence, there are things about God and life that we can’t see or fully understand on our own. We can know some things by using our reason, like understanding that there must be a Creator because the world is so beautifully and carefully made. But there are deeper truths, like the mystery of the Trinity or the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, that go beyond what we can figure out on our own. These truths must be revealed to us by God.

How Should We Respond to God’s Revelation?

  1. With Gratitude: First, we should be thankful. God didn’t have to reveal these truths to us, but He did because He loves us and wants us to know Him. Imagine someone giving you a precious gift. God’s revelation is like a priceless treasure that we should cherish and appreciate.

  2. With Faith: Faith means trusting in God and believing what He tells us, even when we don’t fully understand it. Think of a little child who trusts their parent’s words, even if they don’t understand everything. In the same way, we trust God’s teachings because we know He is all-knowing and loves us deeply.

  3. With a Desire to Learn: We should have a hunger to know more about God and His truths. This doesn’t mean we have to be scholars or experts. It simply means taking time to read the Bible, listen to the teachings of the Church, and pray. God promises that if we seek Him, we will find Him.

  4. By Living Out His Teachings: God’s revelation isn’t just something to be studied or admired from a distance. It’s meant to be lived. When we follow God’s teachings in our daily lives—by loving others, being honest, forgiving, and doing good—we are putting His revelation into practice.

The Beauty of God’s Revelation

God’s revelation is a gift of love. It shows us that He cares for us deeply and wants us to be happy, not just here on earth but forever with Him in heaven. Imagine a parent guiding their child across a busy street. They hold their child’s hand, give them instructions, and protect them from danger. God’s revelation is like that—it guides us, protects us, and helps us safely navigate through life’s challenges.

Encouragement for the Journey

For those who might feel overwhelmed by these deep truths, remember this: You don’t have to understand everything all at once. Faith is a journey, and we grow in understanding step by step, day by day. Start with what you know and trust God to reveal more to you as you continue seeking Him.

If you ever feel confused or unsure, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Talk to a priest, a knowledgeable friend, or someone you trust. Remember, God is patient and loving, and He is always ready to help you understand His truths better.

Conclusion: Embrace God’s Revelation with Joy

In a world that can sometimes feel confusing and uncertain, God’s revelation is like a beacon of light, showing us the way to truth, peace, and happiness. By revealing these truths, God invites us into a deeper relationship with Him, filled with love, trust, and joy.

So, let’s embrace this gift of revelation with open hearts. Let’s be thankful for the truths God has shared with us, trust in His wisdom, and live out His teachings with love and joy. As we do, we will not only grow closer to God but also become beacons of His light to others, sharing the beautiful truths of our faith with everyone we meet.

Call to Action: If you’ve found this message helpful, take a moment to thank God for the gift of His revelation. Share this message with someone who might be struggling to understand their faith or who wants to know more about God. Let’s help each other grow in knowledge, faith, and love, trusting that God is always with us, guiding us every step of the way.


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